Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Non fiction lsson (1)

Readers responce.....

(4) It shows her sciencetific way because it shows that he is very capeable of  being very genous.
It is also very noticeable that she cares for his other people in the the group.I would be very nice to the peple in my tribe.So you can get what you did back. Also it shows that she loves to play with with animals and
do some experiments.

writers responce.....

(3) It shows how the prosses looks and how the prosses is preformed.By that i mean that the animals are
very helpful.also the animals are good to have company.Animals in this case i mean (orangutangs) are very helpful to an enviorment.Also they can help your life out. they can also guide you into a good life.

write time.....

(5) The point illistrates that the animals are very hurt that no1 is caring for them. Also the people in the artical
are very caring for animals around them.are trying to get enough money to pay for these animals.Such as 1 person that is caring for the animals are (Birkute Galdiads) she is a good hero.

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